A generic approach to manage metadata standards
Presentation | Presented
- Julien Barde, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
We present a generic approach (meta-model formalized in UML) to manage different metadata standards and implement them in a single tool with generic friendly GUIs. We mainly aim to manage OGC/ISO standards by managing XSD schemas in an automated way (ISO 19115 and 19139 and SensorML for example). However any other kind of metadata could be managed.
We propose the following functionalities: import a new standard available as XSD schema, edit a new profile of a standard, edit and query instances of different standards, visualize the shared geographic information, export and import of XML schema instances.
The implementation of the presented conceptual models uses SQL with PostgreSQL and PostGIS RDBMS to manage metadata standards, geographic information and controlled vocabularies.
MapServer is used as WMS to assist descriptions, queries or visualizations of available geographic information in different GUIs.
We import thesauri in SKOS (RDF) format into PostgreSQL by using Jena API to control the vocabulary used top describe or query the metadata, and propose some dedicated GUIs to manage the use of thesauri in a friendly way (PHP, AJAX).
We are working on query expansion process by using semantic and spatial (Egenhofer relationships) relationships between the concepts and related geographic objects managed in our RDBMS.
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