Silver Sponsor
Inc. is an open source business solution provider
located in Yokohama, Japan, specializing in GIS and LBS
technologies. We provide consult for Japanese companies in integration
of open source GIS solutions and develop customized
applications for our customers.
Orkney internationalized both GRASS and MapServer to support
Asian multibyte fonts. This enables citizens of
China, Korea, Japan, and other South Asian countries to use
those open source applications in their local languages.
We offer localized MapServer and GRASS packages together
with training services and professional support. Also we
provide geodata of Japan for use with Mapserver and GRASS.
Orkney promotes geospatial open source software in Japanese print and online media and helps in supporting the Japanese OSGeo community.
Orkney is developer and maintainer of PostLBS, that provides
core tools for Location Based Services as open source
software based on PostgreSQL and PostGIS. PostLBS includes
routing (pgRouting) and address search (pgGeocoding)
functionalities, which are similar to those found in
proprietary software.