Web based Vehicular tracking system.
Presentation | Presented
- Alejandro Chumaceiro, Soluciones Integrales GIS SIGIS
Our service tracking platform allows many types of users to monitor their assets over the internet and/or 3G phones. From housewives to businesses running logistic application, we cater to their needs through a modern and fresh user experince that provides information at the users finger tips.
This sucess experience showcases that Open Source technologies can be used in corporate environments to obtain carrier grade levels of service. Up and running for over three years rendering 99.85% availability on a monthly service level,and growing in the thousands of new monthly subscribers.
The service architecture implement a multi tear server structure that uses Linux servers running Red hat and Fedora distributions. A cluster of servers running web services under PHP, mapserver and postgress/postgis spatial database, permit trouble free and a responsive environment.
Our experience in Latin America has being very positive and we are expanding over the region in the americas to other carriers.
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