Spatial ETL powered by Talend: Towards an Open Source spatial ETL

Presentation | Presented

  • Claude Philipona, Camptocamp SA
  • Eric Lemoine, Camptocamp France SAS

Data processing preparation plays a dominating/major role in implementing GIS projects. This is particularly the case when consolidating and aggregating spatial data with data coming from other sources is needed. The use of an ETL proves to be indispensable when manipulating complex data by non-program planners. Moreover, adding spatial functionalities to ETL Talend allows addressing this need in an Open Source framework, using several Java based GIS libraries such as Geotools to built high-end spatial components. It is important to note that Talend, using Java technology and Eclipse framework, is already largely used in Business Intelligence environments.
This presentation will also demonstrate the use of components to perform advanced data manipulations such as buffer calculation, format transformation, polygon builder, geodata filtering,...

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