GeoRSS as RNA in SDI: Using Feeds to enable Geospatial Federation
Presentation | Presented
- Joshua Lieberman, Traverse Technologies
GeoRSS is a conceptual model for adding geographic feature properties to information on the Web and elsewhere. Serializations for the model have been created as simple tags, as well as in XML, GML, and OWL. When used specifically as elements in Atom Web feeds, it also provides a lightweight, portable, and effective way of passing around news and observations, assertions about the "feature-ness" of Web resources which are themselves Web-enabled. These assertions can also be about geodata and carry news from one host of geodata to another, such as: "here is an update", or "there is a problem with this town boundary", or "here is new geodata about an event". If geodata is the DNA of the world's geography, GeoRSS / Atom can be the RNA which joins it together. This concept is being tested in an OGC Pilot project in Canada, where a network of local providers of geodata to the Geobase national features are using GeoRSS to propagate changes and events. Geo-enabled Web feeds provide the loose coupling which makes such a federated network effective without tying all participants to rigid behavior and single vendors. Three types of feed entries, updates, feedback, and event, help the prototype Geobase federation to provide an optimal combination of data access performance, currency, quality,and independence. The results of this test will help inform development of SDI which is successful because it doesn't require more uniformity than is necessary to meet its goals.
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