GOWS Project: Towards Web Services Dedicated to Thematic Mapping
Presentation | Presented
- Olivier Ertz, IICT / geo.SYSIN
- Abson Sae-Tang, IICT / geo.SYSIN
To introduce the research domain covered by this talk, we start with a presentation of CarThema5 project (carthema.iict.ch) : an extension of gvSIG for thematic mapping and printing of high quality. We review the possible symbologies : choropleth map, proportional symbols, bivariate map, multi symbols, bar diagram, histogram, flow diagram ...
Democratization of the viewing and the use of primary geographic information is on the good way, thanks to powerful webmapping tools, large respect of OGC standards, and the recent growing of virtual globes.
Nonetheless, we can note a delay concerning the web mapping and sharing of secondary geographic information, what we call web thematic mapping. It's about how to render data attributes on a map, like election results, halieutics ressources, census data...
The GOWS project is the leading project of geo.SYSIN laboratory (geosysin.iict.ch). Its main purpose is to help improving specifications and develop technologies to favour the interoperability of geographic web services dedicated to thematic mapping, what we call web thematic mapping.
GOWS project is putting the emphasis on a web services based architecture in respect of the spatial standards from OGC and the graphics ones from W3C. Therefore we first present an overview how far we can go in term of thematic mapping with WFS, SLD and WMS through Geoserver. We then expose the limits especialy for complex symbols like pie and bar charts. Finally we present some extension solutions, of which one based on a symbol server with SVG graphics.
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