Painless feature markup in KML

Presentation | Presented

  • Chris Ingrassia, FortiusOne

Using existing features of the KML spec, such as the Schema tag, KML authors can add structured feature data into their KML documents to allow for richer content that provides an easy way for geospatial tools and applications to perform deeper analysis on the data beyond simply locating a particular set of geographies.

In the interests of helping to foster a large community of not only locational, but feature data publishers, we will present a few ideas of how to best achieve a simple and easy way of publishing feature data without the need to sacrifice presentation or ease of adoption and use.

Some of the methods proposed involve the use of microformats in KML for the markup of feature data, building off of the existing Schema tag functionality, and more creative use of XML features and standards to keep everything in a single file and as simple as possible so it can easily be adopted by a wide audience.

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