JGrass and Udig, chronicles of a lovestory
Presentation | Presented
- Andrea Antonello, HydroloGIS / University of Trento / University of Urbino
- Silvia Francheschi, HydroloGIS
The begin of 2007 signs JGrass's difficult decision to join the Udig community and leave the old framwork for Udig's RCP based framework. While JGrass's community counts on it's stable base in the field of environmental analyses mainly based on raster maps, it had suffered from a poor framework design as well as the almost complete absence of vector data tools. The migration of the JGrass analysis framework into UDig solves one for all the main issues that were blocking the growth of a dense JGrass community.
The presentation aims to describe the main goals of the ongoing migration:
- the analysis workspace logic that comes from JGrass's parent and inspiration, GRASS
- the extandable beanshell console and its features, first of all the R compatibility
- the compliance with one of the main environmental model's standard, OpenMI
- the actual compatibility with the GRASS GIS
- the complete Horton hydrologic and geomorphologic analysis package
All in all it will be the first preview of the features of the new JGrassudig.
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