Presentation Program

The presentation program consists of 120 twenty-five minute talks, in five tracks, chosen from over 200 submissions by an open community process! The list of selected presentations is available in the following formats:
More Information
- About Presentations
FOSS4G presentations are 25 minute talks, with a 5 minute question and answer session at the end. Presentations cover aspects of the use or development of open source geospatial software. Anyone can can submit a presentation proposal and take part in the conference as a speaker.
Learn more... - Poster Session
There will be a poster session at FOSS4G, providing space for 4' by 4' posters and a time slot for attendees to circulate among the posters and ask the presenters questions.
Learn more... - Publication of Proceedings
Presenters may optionally choose to have their presentation included as an article in the official proceedings, published by the OSGeo Journal.
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