The program of presentations has been selected! Over 200 submissions were made, from presenters around the world. The conference committee has selected 120 oral presentations, which will be presented in 5 breakout tracks over three days. Presentations are 25 minute talks, followed by a 5 minute question-and-answer session.
Presentations were chosen using the results of the "community program review" process, which allowed attendees to evaluate the submissions and provide their opinions to the committee. In the end, over 12000 rankings were provided, by 250 different reviewers. The top fifteen ranked presentations were:
- A Survey of Open Source GIS
Paul Ramsey, Refractions Research - Mapserver Performance: PostGIS vs Shape Files
Brock Anderson, Refractions Research - OpenLayers - Agile Geography in a Browser
Tim Schaub, The Open Planning Project - Tips for the PostGIS Power User
Kevin Neufeld, Refractions Research - GDAL/OGR Project Status Report
Mateusz Loskot, OSGeo
Frank Warmerdam, OSGeo - GeoServer, past, present and future
Andrea Aime, TOPP - The Open Planning Project - GeoServer and the GeoWeb: KML, GeoRSS, TileCaching and SuperOverlays
Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project - Tiling Maps for the Web with TileCache
Schuyler Erle, Troublemaker at Large - Towards a Public Geodata Repository
Schuyler Erle, OSGeo Public Geodata Committee - Portable GIS: GIS on a USB Stick
Jo Cook, Oxford Archaeology North - PostGIS Spatial Database: Introduction and Case Studies
Paul Ramsey, Refractions Research - Quantum GIS -- Five Years and Counting
Gary Sherman, Micro Resources - Database Shootout: PostGIS and MySQL
Wim de Haas, Ministry of Transport, The Netherlands - Trends of the Geo Web
Brady Forrest, O'Reilly Media, Conference Chair for Where 2.0 - A full Web 3D GIS, using PostGIS and X3D output
Olivier Courtin, Camptocamp France SAS