Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

Wednesday, September 26

8:00 Registration Open
8:30 to 10:00 Colwood Esquimalt Lecture Theatre Saanich Oak Bay 1 Oak Bay 2 View Royal
[L03] Datums, Coordinate Systems, Map Projections & Datum Transformations
Dean Mikkelsen
Terra ETL
Frank Warmerdam
[L11] Protecting OGC Web Services with the 52° North Security System
Jan Drewnak
52° North
WMS Performance: Mapserver vs. Geoserver
Brock Anderson
Refractions Research
Web based Vehicular tracking system.
Alejandro Chumaceiro
Soluciones Integrales GIS SIGIS
A generic approach to manage metadata standards
Julien Barde
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
OpenOceanMap - Deploying cross-platform geospatial desktop applications for decision support utilizing Python, QGIS and QT
Aaron Racicot
Rock and a Hard Place
Will Cadell
Timberline Natural Resource Group
Database Shootout: PostGIS and MySQL
Wim de Haas
Ministry of Transport, The Netherlands
gvSIG Goes Mobile. gvSIG porting for mobile devices.
Miguel Montesinos
From Mapping to Metadata, From Simple to Enterprise Portals? - A one stop solution using portlet technology
Hans Plum
lat/lon GmbH
TinyOWS an OGC WMS and WFS-T high performance server
Olivier Courtin
Camptocamp France SAS
Exploring the Synergies between Commercial and Open Source Software
Gregg Petrie
Cosmic Project
Tiling Maps for the Web with TileCache
Schuyler Erle
Troublemaker at Large
Mobile Opportunities for the Open Source Community
Ravi Belwal
Spatial Data Search: a View from the Space Station
Jo Walsh
GOWS Project: Towards Web Services Dedicated to Thematic Mapping
Olivier Ertz
Constructing an Open Source Powerhouse: Minnesota 3D (Dynamic Mapping, Reporting, and Interface)
Jessica Fendos
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
10:00 to 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 to 12:00 Colwood Esquimalt Lecture Theatre Saanich Oak Bay 1 Oak Bay 2 View Royal
[L04] Rapid Visualization with the Virtual Terrain Project Software
Ben Discoe
Virtual Terrain Project
[L12] Introduction into OGC's Sensor Web Enablement
Ingo Simonis
52° North
PostGIS Spatial Database: Introduction and Case Studies
Paul Ramsey
Refractions Research
uDig Case Studies
Jesse Eichar
Refractions Research
Bringing the Web Processing Service to a new stage – new 52°North WPS Features
Bastian Schaeffer
Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany
Development and Implementation of Cut and Fill Problem in GRASS With 3D Representation
Sudarshan Badareddi
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
Species Distribution Modelling Using An Open Source Geospatial Software Stack
Allan Hollander
Information Center For The Environment, University of California, Davis
Tips for the PostGIS Power User
Kevin Neufeld
Refractions Research
JGrass and Udig, chronicles of a lovestory
Andrea Antonello
HydroloGIS / University of Trento / University of Urbino
Integrating Open Source Applications to manage spatio-temporal Data in the Field of Environmental Sciences on a National Scale.
Ulrich Leopold
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
The use of QGIS and Grass to deliver GIS applications to a wider audience.
Ken Sanderson
Miistakis Institute
Lifemapper: Using and Creating Geospatial Data and Open Source Tools for the Biological Community
Aimee Stewart
University of Kansas
Shortest path search in real road networks with pgRouting
Anton Patrushev
Orkney, Inc.
An integrated client for Web Processing Services - Upgrading uDig with Processing power
Bastian Schaeffer
Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster, Germany
Development of Geoprocessing Service with Realtime Data Using WPS and SOS Open Standard
Sarawut Ninsawat
Osaka City University
SEXTANTE: a gvSIG-based platform for geographical analysis
Victor Olaya
Universidad de Extremadura
Yukon Planning Atlas - Decision Support tools for regional land use planning.
Jeff Hamm
Yukon Land Use Planning Council
12:00 to 13:00 Lunch Provided in Exhibition Hall / Poster Session in Registration Area
13:00 to 14:30 Colwood Esquimalt Lecture Theatre Saanich Oak Bay 1 Oak Bay 2 View Royal
[L05] Introduction to FDO and the FDO API
Greg Boone
[L13] How to Cope with GeoSpatial – The Pragmatic Intro for the Java Developers
Jody Garnett
Refractions Research
GeoServer, past, present and future
Andrea Aime
The Open Planning Project
World Digital Library: Designing a Multi-lingual Geographic Search Interface
Alex Quinn
U.S. Library of Congress
Grass goes Web once more...
Lorenzo Becchi
Spatial object models using PostGIS, Hibernate, and the JTS Topology Suite
Chris Hodgson
Refractions Research
How robust is your spatial query? A formal taxonomy to express spatial intersections
Yao Cui
Government of British Columbia
GeoServer and the GeoWeb: KML, GeoRSS, TileCaching and SuperOverlays
Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project
Breaking all the rules: Extreme distributed asynchronous geospatial databases with Slony and PostgreSQL/PostGIS
Tim Bowden
Mapforge Geospatial
A full Web 3D GIS, using PostGIS and X3D output
Olivier Courtin
Camptocamp France SAS
Building Geospatial Business Intelligence solutions with free and open source components
Thierry Badard
Centre for Research in Geomatics (CRG), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
A Model-Driven Web Feature Service for Full Semantic Interoperability
Peter Staub
ETH Zurich, GIS Group
Secrets of the JTS Topology Suite
Martin Davis
Refractions Research
Georeferencing Historical Maps over the Internet
Jan Hartmann
University of Amsterdam
Putting the Pieces together: Combining different Open Source components toward developing a powerful, Open Source WebGIS application framework.
Shriram Ilavajhala
University of Maryland
Transitioning Low Earth Orbit Satellite Archive Data from Informix (Geodetic DataBlade) to PostgreSQL (PostGIS)
Churngwei Chu
Spatial ETL powered by Talend: Towards an Open Source spatial ETL
Claude Philipona
Camptocamp SA
14:30 to 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 to 16:30 Colwood Esquimalt Lecture Theatre Saanich Oak Bay 1 Oak Bay 2 View Royal
[L14] Leveraging PostgreSQL and Linux with ESRI's ArcGIS system
Derek Law
[L06] Practical Introduction to MapStorer
Benjamin Thelen
Arnulf Cristl

WhereGroup GmbH
Cartoweb4, a easy to use and extensible web GIS application built on top of OpenLayers.
Pierre Giraud
Camptocamp France SAS
OpenLayers - Agile Geography in a Browser
Tim Schaub
The Open Planning Project
IBM DB2 Express-C: A Free Database for Open Source Spatial and XML Development
David Adler
IBM Corporation
GRADGRID4: an advanced spatial interpolation tool combining GRASS and R functions
Martin Mergili
Institute of Geography, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Using Open Source to analyze Canada's National Forest Inventory
Chris West
Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
Fusion: Advanced Application Development Toolkit for Web Mapping
Paul Spencer
DM Solutions Group
Raster Input for MapServer
Frank Warmerdam
A New Geospatial Enterprise Platform Built on Open Standards and Open Source
Mladen Stojic
Leica Geosystems
RiskBox: Natural Hazards and Risks Analysis within the GIS GRASS
Massimiliano Cannata
Next generation of raster support for the GeoTools-GeoServer stack.
Simone Giannecchini
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Open Mapping: Integrating Open Source Geospatial Software and Public Domain Data
Larry White &
Developing Web 2.0 Applications Using FDO and Open Source RDBMS Data Providers
Haris Kurtagic
ILWIS and 52°North: From closed source to open source and interoperable image services
Rob Lemmens
ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands
Analyzing Building Damages of a Major Earthquake Using GRASS and R
Wen-Chieh (Jeffrey) Wang
Chaoyang University of Technology
High-Performance Image Processing and Cartography using the NASA Vision Workbench
Matthew Hancher
NASA Ames Research Center
16:30 to 16:45 Break
16:45 to 17:45 Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions
18:00 to 22:00 Evening Banquet at the Royal BC Museum
17:45 - Arrive at IMAX Theatre in Museum
18:00 - Private screening of Titanica
19:00 - Reception starts on 3rd floor of Museum